
Bariatric Surgery

Generally speaking, these operations involve making changes to the digestive system to help a person lose weight by reducing appetite and the amount of food they can eat comfortably at one sitting.

Bariatric surgery is done when diet and exercise haven’t worked or to provide long term options to achieve and maintain significant weight loss for people who have serious health problems because of their weight.

As with all surgery, many considerations need to be given before undergoing surgery. A specialist will be able to talk you through the options.

Diet & Exercise

A balanced and calorie-controlled diet is an essential part of the management of obesity, although often it is not enough to support and sustain weight loss.

When it comes to obesity, changing how you eat means much more than just eating less calories by any means necessary. Your doctor will take your eating patterns into consideration when developing your weight management plan to help you move towards a more sustainable relationship with food.

You don’t need to run a marathon every day but adding just a little extra movement and simple exercise into your everyday life can mean a lot. What matters is that you find ways of being physically active that you enjoy every day.

The goal is to include at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week – performed during 3 to 5 daily sessions per week8. Build up toward this slowly by gradually adding new activity routines such as resistance training to your life that you enjoy and can sustain over time.

A certified fitness professional can help with an individual plan tailored to include exercises that work best for you and won’t put any undue stress on your health.